Everyday I see Rose pushing her granddaughter in her stroller. Everyday, Rose smiles + waves and I head outside to ooh + ahh over Giada. I have heard about poor Giada's troublesome entry into the world, her colic and her allergies. Today was different. Rose told me in a quivering voice, that Giada sleeps for only about one hour at a time...all night...every night. Her Mom who is prone to depression, now adds the effects of no sleep to her diet and the entire family is in flux. When Rose was finished, I leaned over Giada and decided to have a heart to heart with her. "It's o.k. to close your eyes pretty girl, " I cooed. "You will see fairy's and princesses and beautiful colours. " You will travel to far away places in your dreams and the moment you open your eyes you will be back home safely in your crib with your Mommy + Daddy very close by. Please find your balance Giada ... sleep some, be awake some, eat some, drink some, smile some, cry some." The entire time I was talking to her, she was looking right into my eyes with her own tiny tired ones. When I got to the words, "cry some", she did. She cried just for an instant, with real tears and everything, as if to say thank you for giving me permission . As an after-thought I told her grandmother, Rose that I would look for a dream catcher to hang over Giada's crib. My question to you my dear readers is, do you know where I can purchase the perfect dream catcher to settle little Giada's woes, or can you give me some guidance on how to create one for her ? .... Sweet Dreams Giada ...